How To Be A Visitor

How To Be A Visitor

As a first time visitor you do not know what to expect at a Networking Group. The strange thing is, it is hard to write a description of what happens in a meeting even though every group follows similar agendas, every person’s perception is different and everyone gets different things from the meeting.

What I want to give you is an idea of what you can expect to happen during the meeting, to give you a guide to what is going on around you. There is no way that my writing the words ‘don’t be nervous’ are going to stop you feeling so. Everyone gets nervous, it is natural when placed in an unfamiliar situation where you don’t know what is going to happen, and you are going to meet new people.

All I can say is visiting a Networking Group is not an ordeal by fire. It is an organisation filled with likeminded business professionals who come together to help and support each other. One thing to remember is even the most experienced networker in the room was a first-time visitor once, and knows exactly how you feel.

Click on the PDF Below for more information about how to prepare to be a visitor at a Business Networking Group.